Wednesday, 18 June 2014

James Duncan Diet- Day 2

Today's post will be an update on how I am coping with the James Duncan diet.

Day 2
Breakfast- 1 boiled egg and grapefruit
Lunch- Grilled Chicken and tomatoes
Dinner- Steak and Salad

Today was much better than yesterday, and my hunger was much weaker. I had a much later breakfast, at around 10am. 

For lunch you were allowed an unlimited amount of chicken, so I took advantage if this and has 2 chicken fillets. I seasoned it slightly with salt and pepper and added lemon juice before cooking - it was delicious! Stupidly I forgot the permitted toast - which I really could have done with!! I also accompanied it with water and a slice of lemon. 

I was okay throughout the day hunger wise, however I did notice how I was a lot more sluggish. 

I had steak and salad for dinner at around 6pm, which I must admit, was disappointing. I found it quite unforfilling and was hungry by 8pm 

The time I found most difficult on Day 2 was around 8-11pm, and I was craving some carbs or chocolate. However I managed to resist the temptation and once I went to bed, the cravings had gone. 

Day 3 post will be up tomorrow, thanks for reading!

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